Online course ser and estar

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Spanish grammar can be difficult for those who are not native speakers.
Often conjugating whilst speaking is difficult to do without making frequent mistakes. Alongside acquiring the ability to conjugate, contextualising the use of certain verbs is also a challenge.
Here we present a short guide on using the verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’ and their correct contexts.

At Instituto Hemingway we have created an online course on the verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’ that looks to tackle every major difficulty presented by these two tricky specimens.

In this course you will be guided at all times by a Spanish teacher.

The difference between SER and ESTAR:


· Expresses the fact of 'existing', permanent features: ser o no ser, he ahí la cuestión // Soy Ana

· Physical and moral: es alto, moreno

· The origins of a person: soy de Bilbao

· The professions, the materials: soy profesor // la mesa es de madera

· Nationalities, religions, social classes: soy francés, católico, burgúes

· Expresses how a person is: es una persona encantadora

· Expresses where a place is: ¿donde es la boda? // La fiesta es en el bar

· Expresses thoughts: es verdad // es una buena idea

· Prices: ¿cuanto es?

· Time, day, seasons, year: ¿que hora es? // son las tres // hoy es domingo // es primavera


· Expresses how someone feels: está enfermo // está de mal humor // estoy bien // estan enfadados

· Indicates the 'staying in a place': estaba en casa // estoy de pie // estamos en Madrid

· Not permanent feature: está estropeado

· Indicates the presence and absence: estoy aqui // ya no está

· Indicates opinion or intention: está a favor // estoy por marcharme

· Indicates facts that have not concluded/finished yet: la casa está por hacer

· Indicates results: la comida ya está lista

· Changeable prices: ¿a cuanto están las manzanas (hoy)?

· Dates: estamos a 25 de abril // estamos a viernes // estamos en verano

We hope that these notes have informed you a little more about the use of the verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’.



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